Building Connection with the Youth

Preventing drug use for Whitman County

Why should I care about this?

Together as One Whitman, we can empower ourselves and our friends to make healthy choices.

Understanding the risks and consequences of drug use can help us protect our dreams and those of our friends. Let’s educate ourselves and support one another.

As One Whitman, let’s stand strong, stay informed, and choose a path that leads to a healthier, brighter future for us all.

Open Conversations, Build Trust

Honest conversations lay the foundation for trust and understanding, especially in preventing drug use.

How Big Talk Helps

Big Talk creates a safe space for kids and adults to discuss boundaries, emotions, and choices.

Create a Supportive Environment

By playing, you foster open dialogue on important topics, including the risks of drug use. Start the conversation today.

Explore Big Talk Questions

We’ve shared a selection of our questions here. For the full experience, pick up Big Talk at our office.

Visit us to get your copy

Ages 5+

Left click the deck to go to the next card, right click to go back to the previous card, or focus the deck and use your arrow keys.

Big Talk

What would you do if you saw another person doing something unsafe?

If someone feels scared or unsafe, or if someone might get hurt, it's important to tell an adult.

What's something new you learned recently?

What's your favorite thing to do at home?

What was something good that happened today?

Something bad?

Something random/fun?

What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

What do you do for fun after a busy day?

Can you tell me about a time when a friend helped you?

What's your favorite song?

What do you like most about your friends?

How do you show love to the people you care about?

What activities do you enjoy that help you stay active and healthy?

What do you do to take care of yourself when you're feeling sad or upset?

How do you feel when you talk about your feelings with others?

Have you seen a medicine bottle before?

Only take prescription medicine with your name on it or chosen by your doctor. Taking someone else's medicine can be dangerous and make you sick.

What's your favorite thing to learn about?

Can you describe a fun day you had recently?

Can you describe a typical day in your house?

What is/was your favorite subject in school?

Can you share a favorite memory with your family?

What's a special meal you like to have with your family?

How do you stay in touch with your friends?

Staying in touch is talking often to someone, so you know what they are up to and they know what you are doing.

Who are the people you trust and can talk to when you have questions?

Can you share a time when you and your friends worked together on something?

Is it easy or hard to make good choices?

Good choices are picking the best thing to do, like choosing to share, or eat a healthy snack.

How do you take care of yourself when feeling stressed?

Being stressed is being worried or upset and having a hard time feeling calm or happy.

What are some ways you like to relax?

How do you feel about visiting the doctor or dentist?

What does it mean to be healthy?

To be healthy is when your body feels good and strong, and you don't get sick often. You stay healthy by eating good food, playing, and sleeping well.

Can you tell me about something you worked on that makes you feel proud?

What do you do in situations when you feel peer pressure?

Peer pressure is the feeling that you must do the same things as other people around you.

What would you say if someone offered you their medicine, or if someone asked for yours?

Medicines should only be taken by the person they're prescribed for.

How do you help out around the house?

How do you feel when you spend time with your family?

How do you make new friends?

Who is your best friend, and what do you like about them?

What's a fun adventure you had with your friends?

What's your favorite snack?

Do you and your friends talk about how you're feeling?

How do you take care of your body and mind?

How do you decide what foods are good for your body?

What's a goal you have for this year?

A goal is something you really want to do, like learning to ride a bike or finishing a puzzle, and you work hard to make it happen.

How did/do you feel about your teachers?

Who is someone you look up to, and why?

Do you have people you can call when you need help?

What's your favorite family tradition?

A tradition is something special your family does together every year like celebrating a holiday, having a big dinner, or playing a fun game.

What's a household chore you don't mind doing?

What's your favorite thing to do with your friends?

What do you do when you disagree with your friends?

How do you make new people feel welcome in your group of friends?

What's your favorite book?

Is there someone in your life that you are worried about?

Can you tell me about a time when you felt really good about yourself?

What's a healthy habit you're trying to work on?

A healthy habit is something you do over and over that helps you feel better as time goes on.

What does it mean to have a real friend?

Ages 12+

Left click the deck to go to the next card, right click to go back to the previous card, or focus the deck and use your arrow keys.

Big Talk

Why do you think some people use drugs and alcohol?

What are some signs of substance use in people?

Substance use is when you take things like alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, which can sometimes lead to addiction.

What's something you'd like to learn more about regarding health or wellness?

What was something good that happened today?

Something bad?

Something random/fun?

How do you set and try to reach your goals?

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with friends or family?

How do you know when it's time to ask for help with something?

How can you use technology to help you learn more and grow as a person?

Who would you call in an emergency? Do you know their phone number?

How do you handle challenges or setbacks in your life?

What is your favorite place to eat?

What are you most passionate about, and why?

What are some beliefs or perspectives you've changed your mind about over time?

Is there a book, movie, or piece of art that has deeply affected you?

What would be some ways you could refuse drugs or alcohol when offered?

"No thanks, I don't take medicine from anyone but my parents or a doctor."
"No, I'm good I don't need that."

Can you think of a time when you had to support a friend who was feeling down? How did you help?

What are your core values? Do they influence your decisions?

Gore values are important beliefs that help us decide how to act, how we feel, and what choices we make.

How can creating healthy boundaries help you feel better?

Boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves to protect our well-being.

What role does social media play in real life, and how do you make sure it has a positive impact?

What impact does your family have on your personal values and beliefs?

What do you think about how drugs, alcohol, and vaping are shown in movies and TV?

What do you think makes it hard for people to avoid using drugs?

How do you decide which online content is worth your time and attention?

Do you talk about trucky topics like drugs and alcohol with your friends?

What does it mean to you to live a balanced life?

What's a lesson you've learned the hard way, and how has it changed you?

What are some fears or insecurities you've overcome, and how did you do it?

What is something you've always wanted to learn or try?

Do you know what the Good Samaritan Law is?

The Good Samaritan law says that if you try to help someone who's hurt or in danger, you won't get in trouble for trying to help, even if you make mistakes.

What are some things you can do to stay safe online?


  1. Be careful with what you share.
  2. Keep personal information private.
  3. Use strong passwords.

What is something you wish more people understood about you?

How do you define what it means to be successful?

How do you figure out and handle your feelings as you get older?

How do you make sure you're a good role model for younger siblings or peers?

What are the legal consequences of using drugs, and how can they impact your future?

Arrest, a criminal record, and limited future opportunities like getting a job or going to college.

Do you have the urge to constantly check your phone or social media? Why?

What situation recently created the fear of missing out (FOMO)?

Have you ever been picked on or treated badly by others?

What are some of your biggest dreams or goals for the future?

How do you show love to the people you care about?

What are you most grateful for in your life?

Have you heard about a drug called fentanyl? What have you heard?

Fentanyl is a strong drug used for pain. It doesn't have a special look, taste, or smell to help you recognize it. It's very dangerous, and even a tiny amount can cause an overdose or death.

How do you take care of your mental health?

What is one thing you would like to be remembered for?

Can you think of a time when you had to make a difficult decision? How did you handle it?

How do you balance your time and energy between school/work, friendships, and improving yourself?

What are some things you've learned about yourself this year?

How do you stay informed about the different types of drugs and their potential dangers?

How do you tell the difference between real friendships and fake ones on social media?

To tell the difference, see if the person supports you in real life, is honest, and shows genuine care beyond online likes and comments.

What experiences in your life have shaped who you are today?

Have you ever picked on or treated others badly and regret it?

How do you define happiness, and what brings you joy?

What are some of your favorite memories, and why are they special to you?

Do you have a friend that would be your friend no matter what?

Discover Big Talk

The Game That Gets Everyone Talking!

Big Talk is the perfect way to spark fun and meaningful conversations with family and friends. Every card offers a new chance to connect, laugh, and create lasting memories.

Pick Up Your Copy Today!

Visit our locations during office hours to grab your game.

*Whitman County residents only.


1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd #203
Pullman, WA 99163

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310 N. Main Street Ste. 108
Colfax, WA 99111

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*You must be a Whitman County Resident

2022 WC drug impact

What’s the cost?

Using drugs, especially opioids carries a lot of risks. However understanding what precautions you can take to reduce those risks or what to do if someone is overdosing could save a life.