Whitman County Public Health (WCPH) is pleased to present our third annual Annual Health Summary. Whitman County and the health status of the community are constantly in flux. Health needs change from year to year.
Serve as a data resource for community-based organizations, health care systems, and agencies make plans to meet health needs in Whitman County;
Highlight great work community members are doing to respond to identified health needs;
Identify any new Whitman County health needs the data show are emerging when compared with Healthy People 2030 targets.
Health Snapshot
Understanding Whitman County’s Progress
The Health Snapshot compares key health measures from Whitman County and national targets set by Healthy People 2030, a federal initiative focused on improving the health and well-being of all Americans.
Health Snapshot
All Ages
Previous Year
Current Year
Reduce homicides
How is Whitman County Doing?
We met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Note: Data for 2023 and later is not final. The 2024 data is represented from June 2023 to June 2024
Target - 5 per 100,000 or lower ↓
Reduce drug overdose deaths
How is Whitman County Doing?
Our overdose death rates do not meet target, and we are not improving.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Note: Data for 2023 and later is not final. The 2024 data is represented from June 2023 to June 2024.
Target - 20 per 100,000 or lower ↓
Reduce the suicide rate
How is Whitman County Doing?
Our suicide rates are higher than the target, and we are not improving in this area.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Note: Data for 2023 and later is not final. The 2024 data is represented from June 2023 to June 2024.
Target - 12 per 100,000 or lower ↓
Increase people who get the flu vaccine yearly
How is Whitman County Doing?
We've improved since 2018, but our progress is inconsistent. We have not met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of persons aged 6 months and over were vaccinated against seasonal influenza for the flu season
Source — BRFSS (CHAT)
Target - 70% or higher ↑
Reduce household food insecurity and hunger
How is Whitman County Doing?
We have not met the target, and are not improving.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Note: Food Insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough food for a healthy life.
Target - 6% or lower ↓
Increase people with health insurance
How is Whitman County Doing?
We’ve been improving in this area since 2020,and have met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of persons under 65 that had medical insurance
Source — BRFSS (CHAT)
Target - 92% or higher ↑
Increase use of oral healthcare
How is Whitman County Doing?
While we met the target, we got worse in this area between 2020 and 2022.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of children, adolescents, and adults who used the oral health care system
WCPH Measure
When exact Whitman County data wasn't available, similar measures were used. The graph reflects this data.
Percentage of adults aged 18+ that had a dental visit in the last year
Source — BRFSS (CHAT)
Target - 45% or higher ↑
Infants, Children & Adolescents
Previous Year
Current Year
Decrease infant deaths
How is Whitman County Doing?
We’ve improved each year since 2020 and have met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Infant deaths per 1,000 within the first year of life
Source — Infant Mortality Module (CHAT)
Target - 5 per 1,000 or lower ↓
Decrease youth who use electronic cigarettes
How is Whitman County Doing?
We’ve improved a lot in this area and have met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of 10th grade youth who used an electronic cigarette (e-cigs, device pens, or vape pens)
Increase treated adolescents with diagnosed depression
How is Whitman County Doing?
We have met the target, we are not improving much over time.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of adolescents (12-17) with Major Depressive Episodes who received treatment in the past year
WCPH Measure
When exact Whitman County data wasn't available, similar measures were used. The graph reflects this data.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries (ages 6-17) with mental health needs who received care in the past year
Increase adults (ages 50–75) screened for colorectal cancer
How is Whitman County Doing?
We have not met the target, and we have a long way to go.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries (ages 50-75) who had appropriate screening for colorectal cancer
Note: Screening often includes a colonoscopy to check forcancer, polyps, or other issues.
Target - 74% or higher ↑
Reduce current cigarette smoking in adults
How is Whitman County Doing?
We did not meet the target, and we are not improving consistently over time.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of adults (aged 18+) that were current cigarette smokers
Source — BRFSS (CHAT)
Target - 6% or lower ↓
Increase aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity in adults
How is Whitman County Doing?
We met the target.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of adults (aged 18+) meeting physical activity and muscle-strengthening guidelines
WCPH Measure
When exact Whitman County data wasn't available, similar measures were used. The graph reflects this data.
Percentage of adults (aged 18+) who are physically inactive
We met the target and are consistently strong in this area.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percent of the working-age population (ages 16-64) that were employed
Note: Students are not considered to be in the labor market and are not included in this measure.
Target - 75% or higher ↑
Reduce adults (aged 21+) engaging in binge drinking
How is Whitman County Doing?
Although we met the target, we are getting worse in this area over time.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Adults (aged 21+) engaging in binge drinking of alcoholic beverages during the past 30 days
Source — BRFSS (CHAT)
Target - 25% or lower ↓
Health Priority Data
Our Community’s Health Priorities
The 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) identified three key health priorities for Whitman County: Mental & Behavioral Health, Standard of Living, and Preventive Care. We’re sharing updated data and highlighting inspiring community initiatives that are making a difference in addressing these needs.
Health Priority Data
Mental & Behavioral Health
Previous Year
Current Year
Mental Health Conditions & Suicide
Suicide Rate
How is Whitman County Doing?
Whitman County consistently has a higher rate of suicides than the state. Every suicide is a tragedy.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Rates for hospitalizations due to mental illness in Whitman County are consistently lower than the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Hospitalizations due to mental illness, per 100,000 population
Source — CHARS
Access to Mental & Behavioral Health Providers
People receiving mental health care (Through Medicaid)
How is Whitman County Doing?
In 2018, mental health treatment saw a significant rise, but the numbers have been gradually declining over the past four years.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries receiving mental health treatment
People receiving treatment from substance use disorder. (Through Medicaid)
How is Whitman County Doing?
Treatment rates for substance use disorder in Whitman County are steadily improving.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries with substance use disorder treated in past 2 years
People prescribed chronic opioids and chronic sedative (through Medicaid)
How is Whitman County Doing?
Both Whitman County and the state are seeing declines in risky prescriptions.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries prescribed opioids with sedatives
People prescribed chronic opioid therapy greater than or equal to 50mg morphine (through Medicaid)
How is Whitman County Doing?
Statewide opioid therapy rates are steadily improving, but Whitman County's progress remains inconsistent.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries on chronic opioid therapy ≥50mg morphine
Poverty rates for families are higher than the state, but improving.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of families with children under 18 in poverty
Poverty rates for older adults in Whitman County fluctuates around 10%, while the state remains lower.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Households receiving Food Stamps/SNAP in the last 12 months
How is Whitman County Doing?
Our amount of households receiving food stamps is lower than the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of households receiving Food Stamps/SNAP in last 12 months
We saw increases in homelessness after 2019, while state trends are higher overall.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of children in public schools who are homeless
Cost of care at child care centers for toddlers as a percentage of income
How is Whitman County Doing?
Child care costs are significantly higher in Whitman County compared to the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Whitman County saw improvement in screening rates for colorectal cancer and now outperforms the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries (ages 50-75) screened for colorectal cancer
Whitman County had strong early rates for mammograms, with recent improvements surprassing the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of female Medicaid beneficiaries (ages 50-74) who had a mammogram
Rates of cervical cancer screenings in Whitman County are consistently lower than the state.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid women (ages 21-64) screened for cervical cancer
Kids & youth (ages 3-21) who had at least one well-care visit (through Medicaid)
How is Whitman County Doing?
Whitman County lags behind the state in annual checkups for kids and youth, but is improving.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries (ages 3-21) with at least one well-care visit
Percentage of fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare enrollees with an annual wellness visit
How is Whitman County Doing?
Whitman County fluctuates but generally lags behind the state in annual checkups for older adults.
Healthy People 2030 Measure
For most measures, Whitman County data aligns with the Healthy People 2030 measures, a federal initiative to improve Americans' health and well-being.
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries with an annual wellness visit