Community Health

Birth & Death Records

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What records can you order?

Easily obtain your vital records from Whitman County Public Health

Birth Certificates

Certified copies of birth certificates for anyone born in the State of Washington since 1907. In some cases, records are able to go as far back as 1875.

In some instances, older records may have been filed as delayed birth records and will need to be ordered through DOH

Death Certificates

Whitman County Health Department has all death certificates on file since 2013. Death certificates that were issued before can be ordered from the Washington State Department of Health here.

Who Can Order?

Only qualified applicants can receive a certified copy. Qualified applicants are:

  • Subject of the record (a person who is buying their own birth certificate).
  • Spouse or domestic partner.
  • Parent, step-parent, or legal guardian.
  • Child or stepchild.
  • Sibling.
  • Grandparent or great grandparent.
  • Grandchild.
  • Legal representative.
  • Authorized representative.
  • Government agency or the courts if the birth certificate is used to conduct official duties.

When To Order

Birth Records

Wait at least 15 days after birth to apply and pay for a certificate.

Adding parentage? Learn more about the Acknowledgment of Parentage.

Death Records

For recent records we recommend waiting until the funeral home says the records are ready.

For older records: those occurring after 2013 can be ordered at any time from WCPH and those occurring before 2013 can be ordered at any time from the Washington State Department of Health here.