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Whitman County Public Health

Growing a Healthier Community.

Latest From Whitman

Check here for up to date reports and posts on what’s happening in Whitman County.

Algal Bloom Picture

When In Doubt, Stay Out!

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are toxin-forming algal blooms that occur in bodies of water and can harm humans and animals. Keep safe by learning to recognize and report the signs of harmful algal blooms.

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No Cost Swim Lessons

We are excited to announce this summer WCPH will be partnering with many local pools to offer free swim lessons to children within Whitman County. 

View All Participating Pools
Food Inspection Score Database

Food Inspection Score Database

Local county health departments inspect restaurants and other retail food service establishments to make sure that employees follow safe food handling practices and have adequate kitchen facilities.

View Inspection Scores

Community Spotlight:
COA Human Services Food Bank

The Council on Aging & Human Services (COA Human Services) is a private non-profit, public-benefit organization committed to enhancing lives and supporting communities with transportation and nutrition services.

Learn More

Who we are

Growing A Healthier Community.

Whitman County Public Health’s mission is to protect & improve the health & well-being of Whitman County.

Read our History

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