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Community Health > Disease Prevention
STIs are the most commonly reported diseases in Whitman County. Many are curable, others are treatable, all are preventable. Most people with STIs don't have obvious symptoms, but without treatment they can spread disease and possibly develop serious, lifelong complications.
Love hurts, but it doesn't have to sting, ooze, bleed, smell, burn, itch, swell, or blister. Get tested and stay protected from STIs.
Updated monthly. Last update: March 3rd, 2025
View list of Whitman County Healthcare Clinics below. Do not go to the emergency room for STD testing or treatment.
Most providers charge a fee for testing, but health insurance may cover the cost. If you don’t have insurance, ask about fees first. Other testing options include at-home test kits, which can be ordered online.
To prevent infection effectively, consider several strategies. Abstinence is the most reliable method, but vaccination for hepatitis B and HPV is also recommended, especially for those up to age 26. Reducing sexual partners and practicing mutual monogamy with open communication are other options.
Using male latex condoms consistently and correctly during sexual activity is highly effective in reducing STI transmission. For those with latex allergies, non-latex condoms can be used, although they have slightly higher breakage rates, while natural membrane condoms are not recommended for STI prevention.
Whitman County has several locations offering free condoms to anyone
If you are a community organization needing a large amount of condoms, please email your request to:
Providers are required by WADOH to report all positive STIs to local health jurisdictions.
Complete the case report below and fax it to 509-397-6239.
Download ReportIf you have any questions, please contact us at 509-397-6280 or email at